Tuesday, February 12, 2008

ASSIGNMENT ONE: If you were a writer for Comedy Central...

Hey everyone, McKay here again. Here is your first assignment:

If you could be a writer for one show on Comedy Central, which one would it be and why?
• What is it about that show that interests you? Is it a particular genre that you like? Does it fit your personality/sense of humor? Do you see an opportunity in that show?
• What kinds of shows would you create?
• Which character do you think would be most fun to write for?
• Which character do you think would be the hardest?
• Which character do you think you would identify with the most?
• If you were tasked to change something about the show, what would you do? How would you improve it or give it a fresh spin?
• If you were to introduce a new character, who would it be and what would he/she/it be like?

Also, don't forget to write a post telling us a little about yourself. Or, you can update your Blogger profile with details.


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