Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Assignment Two

I would explain comedy Central to my Paladins friend that Comedy Central is an electronic video/audio broadcast that focuses on the silliness of the human condition. Mostly by creating satirical plots that mimic current events.

My alien friend would most likely not have a very good understanding of our complex social issues nor the history of our "superstar" politicians I would want to introduce him to Comedy Central through John Stewart or Colbert, I think a show like Drawn together or South park.

If I were to personify Comedy Central I'd start off by warning the person listening to this discription that "CC" has a rather dry sense of humor and it would be wise to keep a light heart and an objective mind. CC is quick witted and highly intelligent, though sometimes it may seem that CC might be racist or sexist if you take the time to look a little closer you will find a deeper meaning to the language and actions being portrayed, a meaning that is completely opposite of racist. CC is willing to take chances, to step out on the edge of what some might find socially and morally unacceptable. When it comes down to it, CC is a highly creative individual that thrives on inspiring others to contemplate on deeper and more complex levels.

As far as CC's fashion sense goes, it's one that embraces contradiction. For instance you might find CC dressed in a Tuxedo and sporting a Mohawk together. For a more casual occasion a nice spring dress with an unflattering floral print and hot, tacky colors matched with a lovely pair of military boots and dime store jewelry may express CC's inner-self. On occasion CC like to dress endogenously, breaking the long enforced rules of the dominator's celebrated superficial sexual identity

CC is a quite affluent individual owning several properties so it is possible to spend time during the summer months in the open, liberated air of Europe, Holland and Norway mostly. In the winter months CC really likes the crazy atmosphere of Oaxoa, Brazil and San Francisco, taking time out to relax and recharge the creative juices by attending events like Burning Man.

CC without a doubt enjoy Comedies for certain but tends to be most passionate about the less popular films. Independent films and the like create a sensation like you are panning for gold. It is in this context that CC was searching for a movie that would get a laugh and he found "A dirty Shame" by John Waters. Mind you, CC is a huge documentary buff but now and then a feature film presentation can be found that is quite apealing.

CC would certainly be a friend, a deep, intellectual, empathetic, creative and quick witted individual is quite a mistake to forego as a friend.

I am You are Me.... ;)

When it comes to the vids, I'd have to start off with one of my favorite amateur videos from youtube. For me, even though it has little to know intellectual value, it's worthwhile being it was able to make me cry of laughter.

Second would be Zeitgeist due to it's but if information worth chewing over.

The shows I'd be most interested in these particular sircumstances would be;
Southpark - because it doesn't require a strong foundation of current affairs to get a laugh out of it. It would also help my alien friends understand the human conditions at this point in history a little better, at the same time entertaining them.
A Daily Show - along with it's comedy it also rather educational, helping people that find watching political events on TV to be super boring. The same would hold true for the aliens. Of course John is totally worth soliciting for,
Last but not least.....
Colbert Report - I would first forewarn the aliens that first this show need be understood as a satirical take on fundamental, religious conservatism. It (like ALL experiences) need be looked at through an objective perspective. The individual prone to fallowing any individual that can act like they know what they are saying us bound to become lost, angry and confrontational towards others that don't see through their same biased absolutist idealism

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