Sunday, February 17, 2008

Assignment two

If an alien were to land on Earth and I were to explain Comedy Central, I would show endless clips of the many hilarious shows and their characters. I would let these hilarious moments really sink in with the alien and see if it would be enough to make it laugh, which of course it should . Comedy Central as a person would be the typical cool class clown, always making those around them laugh. Comedy Central would be outgoing, entertaining, very witty, sarcastic, and always ready to deliver a comeback. Comedy Central would wear clothes that stood out, maybe something bright, but nothing flashy. It would have a unique style that would show the humorous side to it as well.
Comedy Central would live all across the United States. Its too funny and unique to be settled down in one place. It needs to get out and share the humor and laughs with everyone. Comedy Central loves comedy movies, parodies, and comedian specials. In fact, Office Space is probably one of its favorites. The music it would listen to is a blend of rock, alternative, and hip hop.
Comedy Central would most definitely be a friend of mine, we have a lot of similarities and I can see some of the Comedy Central in me. I know I could be very hilarious and quick witted, but I think I am known more for by sarcasm. Two images I would show would probably come from the tv shows, maybe Reno 911 and Mind of Mencia. It would show each character in their own unique way on Reno 911. On Mind of Mencia it would show his talent and versatility in each character that he portrays which would show his creativity.
I think one YouTube clip that can show the entertaining side is one called, It's Business Time, where two guys are singing a song in a parody way about sex. I found it to be really entertaining and funny like how Comedy Central always is. The three shows I would tell them about are the first two I mentioned above, Mind of Mencia and Reno 911. The third one is the deceased Dave Chappelle Show. I think each show is innovative and very creative with what they do in the show. There are just moments that stick out more from these shows and when you walk down the street and hear someone telling someone else, you're such a tut-te-tuh you know it comes from the Mind of Mencia show.

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